All cases presenting claudication, muscle atrophy, gait changes, signs of unspecific pain, etc., should be submitted in this area. In situations of gait changes, where doubts may arise regarding the origin of the problem, i.e. orthopedic versus neurological, a quick-fill orthopedic examination, as well as a complete quick-fill neurological examination is provided in this area. In case of doubt when completing the directed exams, we advise viewing tutorial videos or the consultation of books that can assist in their execution to ensure a reliable response from the veterinary specialist.
The clinical case should be detailed, with as much information as possible, to ensure an effective response by the specialist. When making a submission you should select or fill in the fields for data and general anamnesis, general physical status examination, clinical signs, complementary methods of diagnosis, treatment, and presumptive diagnosis. Throughout the submission process, you have several fields for your observations. In addition, in the various fields, there are places to upload audio files, images, videos, DICOM, PDF, etc.